Today I read about this actress in New York who was mugged at gunpoint a few days ago. She was with a few other people, and got mouthy with the muggers. One of them had a gun. When she said 'what are you going to do, shoot us?', one of them shot her in the chest, and she died.
I discussed this with Peter, and we both agreed that this is something that I would totally do. I usually let people have it when they're acting like assholes, like I suppose these muggers were acting.
Once, in Boston in about 1993, I was on my way to work. I was running very late and was nursing a hangover. It was about 11am, and I had just gotten off the T, ducked into MickeyD's for a coke (real coke works wonders when you're hungover) and was verbally assaulted by some fine young men in a sportscar. They were trying to pull into a parking lot and apparently I was walking too slowly down the sidewalk, blocking their way.
Instead of just telling them to fuck off, I told them to fuck off and hurled my nearly full soda at the driver, whose window was open. That McDonald's cup exploded on impact with the asshole's face. Whoops. Gotta run.
Anyway, I'm lucky I didn't get killed. I'll never do that again, even if I am called the c-word. Also, if you're ever mugged, just hand that wallet over.
RIP Nicole DuFresne